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Education Is Our
Biggest Value

Learning is the most important aspect of our work here at CM Marketing. 

In that spirit, we've decided to start offering classes for people who needed a little more time and attention with their business.

Our Programs In A Nutshell:

Man on computer

Digital Marketing & Social media can be confusing and overwhelming for businesses. It's hard to stay up-to-date on all the latest trends, new software and programs get released or updated every day, and it's difficult to know where to even start when trying to improve your online presence. 

It's also constantly changing. What worked yesterday may not work today, and what works today may not work tomorrow. It's hard to keep up with everything!

CM Marketing is proud to announce we're offering personal lesson plans that will teach you everything you need to know about marketing and social media.


You'll learn how to create killer strategies, how to create great content, how to use analytics to improve your social media and marketing, and more!

The best part?

You can learn at your own pace, on your own time!

We'll work with your schedule to pick the best days to have a personalized 1-on-1 session.

With our easy-to-follow lessons, you will be able to understand social media like a pro in no time! Not only that, but you will also learn tactics to stay relevant and explore strategies that you can apply to your business for continued success. It’s the perfect way to get ahead of the competition and stay ahead!

Sign up today for one of our online courses and start learning how social media can work wonders for your business!

Image by Georgia de Lotz


Social Media

For Beginners

Deciding what Social Media platform to join, and how, can be a very overwhelming decision to make. In this lesson, you’ll learn about the advertising options that are available across multiple platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, Snapchat, and TikTok. You'll also learn best practices for creating remarkable digital ads for social media, as well as how to use real data to inform your decisions. 

Sounds Great!

Fool-proof Ways To Make Your Business Sound More Interesting

Feel like you’ve been struggling to make your business sound more interesting or engaging? It's time to break out of the mold! This lesson will teach you how to bring business conversations to life with engaging writing techniques that help you captivate any audience – be it investors, clients, or even colleagues – with inspiring stories built around the core values of your businesses.


No need to worry about confusing jargon or perplexing theories – just simple and straightforward strategies you can use right away!

I Have All This Data,

Now What?

You've probably been gathering data this entire time with the platforms you use to manage your business. Now what? 

Our comprehensive digital course includes lessons on how to analyze the data you have been collecting for months without seeing the full picture. You will be able to develop buyer personas and create meaningful insight into why customers buy from you and which strategies are most effective for lead conversion. Additionally, this training will help you identify factors that bring customers closer to making a purchase, as well as better understand the dynamics of your business relationship with the people in your network.

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