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Learn More About
CM Marketing

CM Marketing, where we believe in the power of data to unlock your brand's full potential.

Imagine a place where creativity meets analytics, and where every marketing strategy is backed by solid evidence and innovative techniques. That's us! Our team is passionate about using scientific methodologies and cutting-edge data analysis to not only meet but exceed your marketing goals. We're here to transform numbers and trends into compelling stories that drive real-world results for your business.

At CM Marketing, it's not just about the data; it's about how we use that data to connect with your audience in meaningful ways. Our approach combines the precision of statistical analysis with the flair of creative marketing to craft strategies that are both effective and engaging. With a deep understanding of business intelligence, we tailor our strategies to ensure your brand stands out in today's competitive landscape. 

Our Story

Our adventure began in the vibrant community of San Pedro, CA, where a gap in the digital marketing world caught our attention. We noticed a thirst for modern, data-informed marketing strategies that many were struggling to quench. Driven by a desire to fill this void, CM Marketing was born. Leveraging our formal education and a keen interest in the evolving digital landscape, we embarked on a mission to blend scientific rigor with creative marketing. It wasn't long before our unique approach set us apart from the competition, establishing us as pioneers in integrating science and data with marketing creativity.

What We Value

Innovation and Integrity at Every Step

At the heart of CM Marketing lies a deep commitment to innovation and integrity. We're constantly exploring new horizons, experimenting with emerging technologies, and adapting our strategies to the latest market trends. This relentless pursuit of innovation ensures that our services remain relevant and impactful, providing you with solutions that not only address today’s challenges but also anticipate tomorrow’s opportunities.

Your success is our success, and we're dedicated to achieving it in the right way. With CM Marketing, you can rest assured that your brand is in responsible and caring hands, propelling towards greatness with values you can believe in.


Data-Driven Tactics

Our approach guarantees that every marketing strategy is rooted in comprehensive data analysis and scientific methodologies. This ensures your campaigns are not just creative but also smart and results-oriented.


Science Meets Creativity

We blend creative marketing with rigorous analytics to transform your brand's message into captivating content that truly resonates with your audience. It’s where art meets science in marketing.


Growth & Innovation 

Partner with us to leverage the power of business intelligence techniques for sustainable growth. We don't just aim for short-term wins; we're your

long-term growth strategists.


Tailored Solutions

We understand that one size doesn't fit all in marketing. Our bespoke strategies are meticulously designed to meet your unique business goals and challenges.


Infsightful Market Analysis

Stay ahead of the curve with our market analysis services, which provide you with the insights needed to make informed decisions. Know your market, and dominate your niche.


Customer Focused

At the core of our strategies lies a deep focus on your target audience. We create customer-centric campaigns that engage, convert, and build loyalty, turning audiences into advocates.

Meet The Owner

Business Scientist + Marketing Expert

Chris Mitchell, MBA

At the heart of CM Marketing's innovative approach lies Chris Mitchell, a pioneer who recognized the uncharted potential of melding scientific methodologies with marketing creativity. Chris's story didn't start in the boardroom but rather in the halls of academia at the tender age of 16. Assisting with research at the prestigious University of the Pacific, Chris quickly developed a passion for data and its power to inform decisions. This early exposure to research methodologies wasn't just a job; it was the spark that ignited a lifelong commitment to understanding the story behind the numbers.

Armed with an Institutional Research Certification, Chris pursued further academic excellence. The quest for knowledge led to Marymount California University, where an MBA shaped the foundation of a business-oriented mind, complemented by advanced studies toward a doctoral degree at Saint Leo University. It was during these formative years that Chris identified a glaring gap in the market - the need for a new breed of marketing professionals who could bridge the divide between data science and creative strategy.

Driven by a mission to fill this void, Chris launched CM Marketing. The firm was born out of a vision to empower businesses by harnessing the sheer might of factual and timely data, transforming this into strategic marketing initiatives that captivate and convert audiences like never before.

Today, Chris's influence extends far beyond the operations of CM Marketing. Serving on three Board of Directors, engaging in two Young Entrepreneur committees, and fostering the next generation of marketing mavens through guest lectures and a prolific internship program across 43 universities and colleges across the US.

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